Five Wellness Tips for after the Holidays
Matthew Shaw

Holidays are always full of food, fun, late nights, and even extra desserts (not to mention abandoned fitness routines and sleep schedules in disarray), but hey, that's part of the fun! No need to regret or worry; enjoying the holidays with loved ones is important for a healthy, happy life.

Here are five quick and easy tips to boost your wellness and self-care after the holidays. 

  1. Carve out time for yourself - This is the basic prerequisite for all self-care. You need time, and it has be part of a daily routine. It only takes 15-20 minutes in your day.
  2. Be good to your body - Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, eat well, and stay active.
  3. Do something good for someone else - Our brains are wired for giving. The chemicals released by the brain during giving are far more rewarding than when we receive gifts or acts of kindness.
  4. Turn off smartphones (for at least part of the day) - It's hard. But really you don't need it on you constantly, as if it's stitched to your side.
  5. Be gentle with yourself - Give yourself permission not to be the best that's humanly possible but rather to do the best you can right now.

Contributed by Matthew Shaw, Senior School Counsellor