Student Writing - Footprints in your mind
Tong Shi

Rain gathering
Clouding up your mind
You can hear every drop plop plop Falling onto your dreams
And covering them
Devouring them
Until they are gone.
They can disappear
And they are gone as fast as a footprint in the rain
Becoming muddy
What was it in the first place?
What was the point of it
Other than just to leave a scar?
A mark engraved in the earth

In your mind Knowing that they were never going to stay
Protect them
Protect your dreams
Cover them
Shield them
Hold an umbrella over them
Protect them
So they can’t leave
Allow them to fossilize
So they can stay in your mind forever
Harder to destroy
And immune to the rain clouding up in your mind.

Contributed by Tong Shi, Grade 8 Student
Originally published in Spirit Magazine - Spring 2024