Tips for Successful At-home Learning
Parveen Loodu

Working and learning from home is uncharted territory for many of us. Here are some helpful tips for setting up a successful at-home learning experience.

Setting Up A Learning Space

Setting up a designated home learning space will help students focus on their work. Try to find a quiet space with good lighting that has a desk/table. Help your child organize all the necessary materials and supplies for learning (e.g. textbooks, workbooks, technology, pencils, eraser, etc) to create a sense of "going to school".

Creating A Routine

Creating a daily routine helps maintain a sense of consistency and stability. As a family, it’s good to set up a weekday schedule that includes:

  • Regular bedtime, wake-up, and meal times
  • Getting dressed and ready for school (even though they’re at home)
  • Time for learning
  • Time for breaks
  • Daily physical activity
  • Daily communication with friends and family

Remember that an at-home learning day may be shorter than a regular school day and that’s to be expected. Help your children be balanced including taking 5-10 minute movement breaks (e.g. stretch, walk up/down stairs, jumping jacks, deep breaths/mindful pause, etc.). Also, ensure they drink lots of water and eat healthy snacks like they would at school.

Helping Your Child

No matter the age of your child, show that you’re interested in what they’re doing. Encourage positive communication and the development of good work habits so they can take pride in their work. Remember to be patient with your child and yourself – this is a new experience and it will take everyone some time to adjust.

For Junior School students: support your child's independence by ensuring they are doing the learning and thinking - don't rush in to do it for them. Also, stick with what the teacher expects/assigns to avoid burning them out.

Teaching Life Skills

This is an excellent opportunity to teach life skills - involve your children in household tasks and chores. Set up a chore chart where kids can help with age-appropriate responsibilities such as dusting, vacuuming, empyting/loading the dishwasher, folding laundry, etc.

Get kids to help out in the kitchen too. Younger children can be "special helpers" and older kids can bake favourite treats or even plan, prepare, and serve family meals.

Encouraging Time for Play!

It’s important that we all have time for play! Having family game nights, working on puzzles, playing in the backyard, going for safe-distance walks/jogs are all great ways to play and be active together!