Why It's Important to Give
Erin McDonald

Giving and participating in service initiatives have always been a part of the Southridge experience. One of our guiding principles is “contribution is at the heart of what we inherit and what we pass on.” Our students, families, alumni, faculty, and staff have built a community that embraces a wonderful culture of philanthropy.

There are many reasons to give – it makes you feel good by activating your brain’s “reward centre,” and creates positive pathways knowing you are making a difference. These positive vibes of ‘doing good’ often inspire others around you to consider giving too. Many studies show that this aspect of giving helps establish collective community values and enriches the bonds already established between people. We know this is true at Southridge, and we are hopeful that this culture of contribution will inspire our students to continue to give back and make a difference in the world throughout their lives.

As I've watched our community's giving actions over the past few weeks, I'm inspired. From parents stepping up to support flood relief campaigns, to the ones quickly signing up for our seasonal volunteer opportunities (i.e. holiday hampers, grad fundraising, annual and alumni fundraising, feast events, etc.) their actions are helping reinforce the importance to volunteer and give however they can.

I think it’s so important at this time of year to talk to your friends and family about why you choose to give and what inspires your choices. Remember, giving is contagious, so your actions will likely impact and possibly inspire others, so share your giving proudly!

Are you looking to introduce the concept of giving to your children or young people in your life? Check out this valuable resource to learn more https://tinybeans.com/how-to-introduce-the-concept-of-charity-to-your-kids/

Contributed by Erin McDonald, Alumni Relations