Junior School At-Home Learning and Return to Campus

In short order and for the foreseeable future, we’ve begun to reimagine and implement a new reality for teaching and learning at Southridge. While we haven’t found ourselves here by choice, we are here nonetheless, and we must approach our present circumstances with strength, curiosity, and openness as we move forward.

There is a lot to learn in this new reality where everyone is a learner – leaders, teachers, students, and parents alike. There are opportunities and areas for improvement as we navigate and build our way through this new reality together. 

Tanya de Hoog
Junior School Principal

The focus for at-home/online learning is on essential learning across all grades and subjects. Southridge aims to provide a well-rounded education that includes a balance of academics, arts, and physical activity and wellness. All Junior School students are expected to participate in at-home learning Huddles and complete expected learning tasks, as guided by their teachers and outlined in their class-specific Huddle timetables.

    If you have any questions, please contact: marcomm@southridge.bc.ca