At the heart of the PYP programme's philosophy is a commitment to guided, purposeful inquiry as a primary vehicle for learning.

This approach to learning engages students actively in their own learning and encourages them to develop curiosity about the world. Students are encouraged to ask questions and construct their own meaning, understanding, and disciplinary knowledge as they inquire into concepts.

Transdisciplinary learning takes place through six transdisciplinary themes that provide the framework for Programme of Inquiry across Kindergarten through Grade 5:

  • Who we are
  • Where we are in place and time
  • How we express ourselves
  • How the world works
  • How we organize ourselves
  • Sharing the planet.

These themes transcend the disciplines (language, mathematics, social studies, science, technology, the arts, and personal, social and physical education) and are vehicles for the development of skills, concepts, and meaningful action. 

In the final year of the PYP, students participate in the PYP Exhibition where they undertake a collaborative inquiry into real-life issues or problems. Throughout this process, they assume responsibility for their own learning as they demonstrate and reflect on the essential elements of the programme.

Within an IB learning community, everyone connected to the school has a vital role to play in supporting student learning and agency. Positive and compassionate relationships between students, students and adults, and adults are central to the success of this philosophy.