To create well-rounded students, you have to invest in more than a challenging curriculum, you have to invest in activities that give students the opportunity to explore their passions and interests at a deeper level, try new things, and expand their point-of-view.
At Southridge, we offer a full range of clubs, teams, and activities for our students to choose from – from academic clubs and arts groups, to sports teams, outdoor field trips, and travel.
Senior students are expected to be active in these programs, and our Grade 8 students are encouraged to try out for a core sport each term. Co-curricular experiences are where lifelong friendships and strong mentor relationships are formed, as students, teachers, and coaches bond over shared interests, goals, and adventures outside the classroom. Our alumni frequently say that their university experiences – and lives – are richer, because they learned at Southridge to join activities beyond their field of study.
From teams to trips, our students do some amazing things.
Our school teams compete in the pool, on the field, and on the courts through our Athletics programs. We believe students develop important leadership, personal and practical skills through participation in athletics, and we encourage our Grade 8 students to try out for a major sport each term – it’s how many of them discover new interests!
Our Music, Visual Arts, Media Arts, and Performing Arts departments offer opportunities to perform in bands, act on stage, make films, paintings and sculpture through our Arts programs.
From outdoor camps to canoeing, cycling, snowshoeing, and hiking trips, our students go on once-in-a-lifetime adventures and learn leadership, team building, and survival skills through our Outdoor Education programs.
Annual trips take our students to places as diverse as Italy and Peru where they can learn more about a culture, the history and science of a place, or perform service work.
Student Exchanges give our students an extended opportunity to experience another culture and to forge friendships with people from other countries.